The result of this research showed that all samples are negative Chlorine. Chlorine was tested by using Colour Reaction Method, Iodometry Titration Method and Organoleptic Test to identify rice physic that contain Chlorine. This research was done on 18- August 2015 at Chemical Laboratory of UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.
There are 14 samples of rice in consist of 7 branded rice samples and 7 inbranded rice samples that took from 4 shops and 3 rice sell distributor in Center Market of Jakabaring Palembang. The purpose of this research is identify and count how much Chlorine in branded rice and inbranded rice that sold in Center Market of Jakabaring Palembang.
The Health Ministry of Indonesian Republic already ruled about Ingredient Added Food (IAF) in rule No.722/Menkes/Per/IX/88, it said that Chlorine forbidden to used for rice because Chlorine is not the list of IAF as whitening and cooking wheat group. Chlorine is not permitted to be used for rice because it can harm the respiratory system and the liquid can damage humans skin. Rice is a staple food that easily processed easy to prepare, delicious and contains carbohydrate and protein as energy sources.